Voice Over | Learn to be a professional VO actor
INstructor: David Hughes
Do you want to start working in the voice over industry? This course will guide you through the process of how to be successful as a VO actor. We will cover how to setup your home studio with software and equipment, record a demo for you to use for getting auditions, develop a website so you have a professional image, and teach you how to edit your auditions to give you the best chance at landing more gigs. AVID now offers a fully functional free version of Pro Tools that is perfect for VO work and we will show you how to create tracks that will greatly improve your chances for getting the job.
This course is a series of 3 one hour sessions and is available to be taught online -or- in-person here at the studio. You will work directly with our staff and get the insight and training to ensure that you know exactly how to navigate and feel confident in all your endeavors in the VO industry. The best part is you will have access to our online community, so even after the course is finished, you will still have access to ask questions and seek guidance in any matter that may arise. The concept is to make sure that you get direct feedback on your work so that you can enhance and develop your production skills to a professional level.
When you decide to enroll in this course, you will have 6 months to choose when to schedule your first class. The holidays are coming up and you probably have a busy schedule ahead of you. That’s why we’re giving you ample time to choose a date that is convenient for your schedule.
This course covers:
Headphone Monitors
Mic stands & Mic Placement
Sound treatment for your room
Pro Tools Intro setup
Audio editing cleanup
Exporting files for delivery
Pricing for your services
Do you just want to record your VO Demo Reel and skip the training? We have a promotional flat rate for an hour at the studio + post-production to record and produce your professional VO Demo Reel. This service is currently being offered at the promotional rate of $279. Sign up here.
We’ve worked with many professional and beginner VO actors over the years. We’re committed to working with you to make this a prosperous and lucrative endeavor. Wether you’re looking to just make some cash on the side or turn this into your full-time job, our training will show you how to be professional and enjoy working in the VO industry. When you have confidence that you know what you’re doing, the work becomes fun and engaging. Here are some photos of just a few of the clients that we’ve worked with over the years.